lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2015

Pregunta Problematiadora

      ¿ Por que los jóvenes de la Institución Educativa Marceliana                Saldarriaga se arriesgan y apasionan tanto por el fútbol?


Investigar y saber porque los jovenes de la marceliana saldarriaga arriegan tanto hasta hacerse matar y porque se ha vuelto mas que un juego y tratar de darle una solucion equivalente a que los estudiantes le prestan mas atencion al futbol que al estudio; realizando encuestas, campañas, y de mas.


- Clasificar los diferentes textos gramaticales referidos al futbol

- Investigar porque el futbol se ha vuelto mas que un juego.

- Analizar porque en el futbol se mueve tanta plata.


Investigar el porque la influencia de los entornos sociales y culturales, los problemas familiares, las subculturas juveniles, y sobre todo las frustraciones económicas y de otros tipos tienen que ver con la violencia en el fútbol y el porque los jóvenes se arriesgan tanto por ello.  Lo aremos atrevas de campañas en la institución educativa y ademas haciendo varias entrevistas para saber por que y encontrar una buena solución.



·        ¿Cree usted que hoy en día la gente arriesga mucho por el fútbol?

·       ¿En la actualidad se apasionan más los jóvenes por el fútbol a diferencia de cómo eran antes?

·        ¿Usted cree que en la industria del fútbol se puede hacer trampa?

·        ¿Cree usted que el ámbito futbolístico es uno de los más importantes en la sociedad?

·        ¿En el fútbol se mueve mucho dinero?

·        ¿Cree usted que el fútbol genera violencia?

·        ¿Cree usted que el fútbol deja alguna enseñanza?

·        ¿El fútbol está a disposición de cualquier persona?

·        ¿Nos une el fútbol como nación?

·        ¿Cree usted que el fútbol es importante?

·        ¿Cree usted que el fútbol está con el narco tráfico?

·        ¿Ve usted fútbol?

·        ¿Eres aficionado al fútbol?

·        ¿Estás en una barra brava?

·        ¿Crees tú que los futbolistas se dopan?


Marco Teorico

Saber el porque hoy en día los jóvenes se apasionan y han arriesgado tanto por este deporte mundial que tiene que ver con tanta violencia y manifestaciones agresivas, todo esto tiene que ver con la influencia de los entornos sociales y culturales, los problemas familiares, las sub culturas juveniles y sobre todo las frustraciones económicas y ademas otros tipos que tengan que ver con la violencia de hoy en día con el fútbol.
También las barras bravas la conforman personas del común por eso se dice que manejan un lenguajes vulgar, ademas hacer campañas en el fútbol para promover la paz y hacer a los jóvenes la violencia que causan en este ámbito y también saber el porque lo hacen.

Articles about football as a social phenomenon

The Fanaticism and passion of the spectators

The Fanaticism is basically a psychological energy saving. To understand think of the records in the sensations produced doubts. A person experiencing doubts in a given situation is the need for complex processing: it has to seek the possibilities, study them, weigh them, calculate the factors that may intervene, look at the problem from different perspectives, calculate the possibilities success / failure ... During this process works much the psyche, a sense of insecurity is experienced, the actions are slower and uncertainty causes some fear (of failure, mistake, the consequences, etc.). No matter what question we're talking about: Does God exist ?, go to the movies ?, right ?, study I marry this person? Naturally, the greater significance of the doubt greater the tension produced and stronger are the feelings of uncertainty, insecurity, slow actions and fear.

Fanatic is "who expressed excessive zeal for religion, sport or review". It is derived from the Latin, fanum temple. He says the philologist Roque Barcia, "the Latins called fanatic who was always in the fanum, as we call today blessed or sanctimonious to doing a job of eating the saints in the church ... Believing serve a God whom he offends, fanaticism would be able to burn the world, and after seeing it reduced to dust, exclaim gleefully: The well did it ... Fanaticism is a frenzy! ".

It is a blind, grim and wild enthusiasm. In the field of football involves a kind of stubbornness that drives irrationally surrender to a particular computer or side. It is a clear expression of personal growth failure.

The fanatic, then, is characterized by a Manichean spirit and for being a great enemy of freedom. The places where reigns the fanaticism are areas where it is difficult to flourish and where knowledge seems to stop the flowing lifetime. For the fan does not fit the debate or the common search for truth. The fan believes he possesses the truth bluntly. He claims to have all the answers and therefore do not need to keep looking through discussing your own ideas it represents criticism of the other. A world, in short, contrary to human nature changeable.

But there is another disadvantage that it may be more forceful than the epistemological: that fanaticism has always led to wars and major disasters. After numerous social conflicts, wars, massacres, ethnic cleansing and injustice intolerance of many fans is. This coincided in pointing that out all advocates for tolerance. Fanaticism is to blame for these evils, that could be avoided with universal brotherly mood to accept the differences.

Analyses made from the field of psychology of fans have seen in this class of subjects mental health problems related to lack of affection, abandonment, domestic violence and low self-esteem. The picture begins with states of boredom, is a rejection of the world, then neurosis, it, gradually, becomes schizophrenia who, in turn, often carry dangerous terrain of violence.

As close and as if referring to football fans, we refer to the words of Italian writer Umberto Eco, author of "The Name of the Rose" and other novels, in his essay Second minimum daily (Editorial Lumen) says "I have nothing against football ... if the opportunity arises, I look forward to a good game on TV and taste, because I recognize and appreciate all the merits of this noble game. I do not hate football, I hate football fans ... I do not love the fan because it has a strange feature: do not understand why you're not, and insists on talking to you like you you were ... They like talking to the wall . Not that he does not care about anything that I do not care about anything. It is that it fails to conceive that someone does not care about anything. I would not understand even if I had three eyes and two antennas on the green scales of the occiput. "


In according to the fans, football is a passion. So in order to define the scope of this term, we refer to its meaning in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy:

a. f. Inclination or preference very much alive someone else.

a. f. Vehement appetite or something crowd.

We entered the term suffer more, and got:

1. tr. Physical and bodily harm, pain, illness, grief or punishment feel.

2. tr. Suffer something harmful or disadvantageous.

3. tr. Suffering (? Endure, tolerate).

4. tr. Saying one thing: taking damage.

Using these meanings, we might conclude that the passion that football generates in people, defined as passive (contrary to action), is suffering because of an irrational vehemently hobby. In other words, it is the suffering of passive people

jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2015


Theoretical framework

The influence of social and cultural environment family

problems especially youth and economic frustrations and

other subcultures are related violence today day in football
The swells are so passionate about the team that his team

considered as the essence of its existence, for the fan

becomes an obligation to go encourage his beloved team 

playing each in their place until everything often makes it 

impossible to travel to another city and has come to pass by

the team traveling to another country. For the same side it

creates the opposite feeling for the opponent which is seen

as the enemy. . Sometimes the big party at the stadium 

parase be a pesadillo when moving to physical aggression 

and you were inside the court. Violence is not new to football,

but always when we seek the causes is like the beginning of 

the solution. Hooligans conform why ordinary people are said

to handle vulgar language and. degrading that are part of 

the popular identity.